absence from

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absence from

更新时间:2025-03-10 22:42:46
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1. Nadal's absence from the Cincinnati tournament had already raised alarms in some quarters.

2. Shriver took unpaid leave of absence from the network over the past two months to avoid potential conflicts of interest during Schwarzenegger's campaign for governor.

3. Their suspicions were further aroused by Li's continual absence from work, which started in early 2004.

4. His absence allowed the Spurs to converge on Yao and dare the Rockets to shoot from the outside.

5. And Chow's absence from the opening session of the Guangdong advisory body's conference has lent credence to their view.

6. Their frequent absence from important advisory body meetings and their inability to come up with good proposals have undermined their position.

7. Fans watched a disappointing performance from their superstars, with the absence of club icon England international midfielder David Beckham heightening disapproval.

8. The absence of an obvious safe haven may at some point cap outflows from EMs.

9. In line with their absence from the summit, rich countries were reluctant to make new financial contribution.

10. Its absence from the treaty means progress on emissions will be even slower, if at all effective.

absence from什么意思

1. But all this--the mysterious, far-reaching hair-line trail, the absence of sun from the sky, the tremendous cold, and the strangeness and weirdness of it all--made no impression on the man.

2. It is not known whether he painted the Two PORTRAITS which we set before the reader's notice, during his first absence from Spain, or during an embassy with which Philip afterward entrusted him, (in 1648) to Pope Innocent X. And a similar uncertainty attends on the supposition that they represent Ferdinand de Medicis and his consort, the grand Duke and Duchess of Tuscany, as is, however, generally supposed.

3. absence from

3. I wrote an excuse for my absence from school.

4. Absence from fund and financing hard become bottlenecks of small and medium-sized family enterprises'more development, and encumbrance of family economy heavy development.

5. A sugar-based surfactant N-n-octadecyl-D-maltonamide was directly synthesized from n-octadecylamine and D-maltonolactone in the absence of catalyst.
摘 要:以正十八烷基胺和D-麦芽糖-δ-内酯直接反应、无需催化的方法制备了糖基表面活性剂N-正十八烷基麦芽糖酰胺。


6. There's a simple explanation for teen singer Billy Gilman's absence from the spotlight.

7. This delta formed by the low sinuous river flowing into the shallow lake is very different from braided delta, normal delta and fan delta due to its coarser sandstone, the lower sand content and absence of turbidities.

8. Here I present evidence that mutation in the gene encoding the catabolite control protein CcpA resulted in a remarkable decrease in mbgA expression from B. megaterium cells grown in the absence or presence of lactose, but had no effect on catabolite repression of mbgA.
在本研究中显示,当在有乳糖及没有乳糖存在时,分解代谢调控蛋白A 的基因突变会造成mbgA基因的表现受到抑制,但是却不会影响mbgA基因的分解代谢抑制作用。


9. He revealed that Ashley Cole`s absence from the trip to Sheffield had been purely a selection issue and nothing to do with fitness.

10. It tends to emphasize the notion of human understanding, high-mindedness, detachment from life, absence of pettiness or''.

11. absence from的翻译

11. It is a p rocess that the fem ale subject has transfo rm ed from absence fo r a long tim e into gradual p resencein the scene of literature.

12. Water tank cleaning agent to choose one of the double-effect descaling rust better cleaning agent, is the market there are two products, a product early, in addition to removal of scale beyond the absence of any other functions, while another is more advanced in high-end products, of course, referred to here is not the price of high-grade, there are a lot of very good new products in very reasonable price, is cost-effective multi-functional products higher, with the exception of clean-up with scale, rust functions, can also provide lubrication and protection to the cooling system because the cooling system antifreeze recycling process, these lubrication agent will be attached to the metal surface, forming a protective membrane, the water with the outside world completely divorced from the material in order to prevent cooling system and the internal node of Health once again scale the internal cooling system corrosion of metal parts.

13. He could not account for his absence from classes.

14. Causes of these problems vary. Generally, anxiety arises when they find difficulties in interpersonal relationship or motive collisions, or out of their sheer concern over their physical changes. Sequelae resulting from experiences of terror, inaccurate interpretation of the society, and excessive self-awareness give rise to hostility. Lack of confidence or job experience and uneasiness of past failures lead to narrow-mindedness. Absence of resistance against mammonism/the lure of money contributes to vanity.

15. And in the absence of any agreement, the auctioneer may collect from the trustee rational charges as auction expenses.

16. absence from

16. In the absence of the completion of an auction, an auctioneer may collect charges as agreed upon from the trustee

17. The absence of effective international regulation also allows middle-men to profit from the demand for children to adopt.

18. The frustration of college students is from mentality fragility because of the environment pressure and absence of education.

19. Maybe you are not all of me but you can't be absence from my life.


20. And you wake up from the day dream, you wake up into the Kingdom of Heaven, through an utter absence of will.

  • 临近词
The study of human behaviour has been conspicuous by its absence from the climate change debate.(人类行为的研究因为没有包括在天气变化的辩论中而十分突出。)
He wanted me to take a leave of absence from the law school, come to work, and help him recruit some other good young lawyers.(他要我向法学院请假,到他那里工作,同时帮助他招募其他一些优秀的年轻律师。)
Another ache for Anakin was the absence from his wife.(阿纳金的另一心痛,是与妻子的长期离别。)
All this resulted in his absence from meeting.(所有这一切都是他开会缺席造成的。)
Have you any excuse to offer for frequent absence from collective practice?(你经常不参加集体训练有什么理由解释吗?)
I think he really just needed a leave of absence from us.(我觉得他确实需要请假离开我们一段时间。)
Previous reports looked only at the potential damage caused by a mother's absence from the home.(此前的研究报告一般只强调一个家庭中母亲角色的缺失将会产生的潜在伤害。)
He could not account for his absence from school.(他无法说清楚旷课的原因。)
A notable absence from the bill is the regulation of individuals appealing for aid.(但是法案有一块明显的缺失:缺乏对救助申请人行为的规范。)
The boys playing truant cooked up an excuse to explain their absence from school.(逃学的男孩编造借口来解释他们为什么不上学。)
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